Bienvenido a Edwin Atherton Internacional

Financial Fraud Investigator and Global Background Checks

Edwin Atherton es una Agencia de Detectives con sede en Cheyenne, Wyoming, especializada en:
We are proud to serve as the exclusive private investigator agency for Feinstein & Sullivan.

Acerca De Edwin Atherton

Un nuevo generacional detective edificio de la agencia en los últimos legados

Here at Edwin Atherton, we understand that in these modern times, you have to work with an agency that knows how to efficiently utilize the most comprehensive software and combine it with traditional wisdom and investigative methods. Learning from the past and combining it with the use of cutting-edge technology is what yields the best results. Our network reaches far beyond our borders, capable of retrieving information on individuals and businesses in over 143 countries at the moment. Our connections in the financial sector, licensed investigators, and lawyers in various jurisdictions allow our ever-expanding reach to deliver results to our clientele.

You may wonder about who we are, but we are more than just a person or two behind this company. We are part of a global network. When you do business with Edwin Atherton, you have instant access to a large network of professionals who are at the top of their respective fields. All this, while being able to keep one point of contact and without any additional outreach.

El servicio que le ofrecemos es segundo a ninguno. De hecho, sólo menos de un puñado de empresas que pueden hacer lo que hacemos con la eficiencia y por ser capaz de pensar fuera de la caja. Sabemos que hoy en día vivimos en un resultado orientado al mundo y nos esforzamos para alcanzarlos. Se inicia con el establecimiento de expectativas de derecho y clara comunicación con nuestros clientes. Todo el mundo a Edwin Atherton sostiene a los estándares y esperamos ganar su negocio.

We take clients on a case-by-case basis. Take a look at our services below and let us know if we can assist you. Have a unique case? Reach out to us and let us know the details.

Our Detective Agency specializes in:

Activo Busca

¿Conoces a alguien que legalmente le debe dinero y tiene un juicio legal en contra de la persona o entidad, pero el individuo no muestra que los activos en los papeles? Es que la entidad vive una vida de lujo, mientras que en el papel no tiene nada que mostrar y es por lo tanto incapaz de cumplir su sentencia? Podemos ser capaces de ayudar!

El Fraude Financiero Investigaciones

Eres una víctima de fraude y usted no puede encontrar la prueba? ¿Sospecha que una persona o entidad de los delitos financieros, pero usted no puede probarlo? Háganoslo saber y podemos mirar en él. Las fronteras no son ningún problema para nosotros. Podemos trabajar dentro de los 50 estados de los estados UNIDOS y a nivel Internacional en 143 países total.

Integral De Verificación De Antecedentes

Alguna vez te has preguntado acerca de alguien del pasado? Que cavar profundo para encontrar la verdad acerca de cualquier persona de la historia. Obtener un informe detallado sobre alguien en un plazo de 48 horas.

La Banca Offshore Investigaciones

Do you suspect someone hiding assets from you? Are you considering a divorce? Does someone owe you money and you have some information about this person hiding money offshore? Let us know the details and we may be able to help you.

Background Checks
Our capabilities extend to conducting background checks on individuals worldwide, whether they are native to the USA or born abroad. Additionally, we offer monthly monitoring services, alerting clients if the individual in question appears on any global list or accrues a criminal record. Depending on the privacy laws of the respective countries, we can furnish clients with comprehensive details about the individual.
Want to know what the INTERPOL has on file about you? We can get this information for $3,500

Why is it so expensive?
We manually have to request this information from INTERPOL via internationally traceable certified mail. Sometimes there is correspondence back and forth between the agency and us to obtain this. The entire process nowadays can take up to 4 months and we also have to work with a law firm who can correspond on our behalf in Lyon, France with INTERPOL HQ. This is one of the hardest information to obtain on any individual but it is possible with Edwin Atherton. 

What type of background checks do we offer?


Typically Includes:
  • Name History (current name and former names used)
  • Phone numbers (current and past)
  • Relatives and Associates
  • Neighbors with address/name/phone number/email
  • Marriage/Divorce Records
  • Drivers licenses
  • Address History (current and historical)
  • Tax Liens, Judgments, Bankruptcies
  • Employment information
  • Eviction/Foreclosure records
  • Professional Licenses and Business Licenses
  • Criminal Convictions
  • Associated E-mail Addresses
  • Real estate ownership
  • Vehicle ownership
  • Aircraft/Vessel/other asset ownership
  • Website/Domain registration data
  • DBA/FEIN Records
  • Corporate records


Typically Includes:
  • Everything from the USA background check
  • Cross-referencing people from over 1,500 watchlists from 180+ countries from a database of over 5+ million people
  • Sanctions + Terrorist list: All 37 FATF member countries and 180+ observing members.
  • Criminal & Enforcement Lists: All 37 FATF member countries and 180+ observing members, including INTERPOL red notice.
  • Regulatory Authority Lists: All as mandated by FATF including HIO
  • PEP Lists: Over 198 countries at the Federal level plus RCAs.
  • High-Risk Business Lists: Owners of Cannabis Related Businesses, MSBs, Casinos, and more.
  • Adverse Media Lists from over 10,000 news sources: All 37 FATF member countries and 180+ observing members.
We acknowledge reliance upon diverse software systems and sources, recognizing that their outputs may not invariably achieve absolute accuracy. Consequently, we retain the prerogative to exercise due diligence in mitigating errors and omissions to the best of our ability, notwithstanding the inherent limitations of such endeavors.
"La excelencia es un arte que ganó la formación y habituación. No actuamos con razón, porque tenemos la virtud o excelencia, pero preferimos tener esas, porque hemos actuado correctamente. Somos lo que repetidamente hacemos. La excelencia, entonces, no es un acto sino un hábito".
- Will Durant
Lo Que Los Clientes Dicen Sobre Nosotros
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